Liv International

9am - 7pm020 7449 0449

Landlord fees and information

Once we've found you perfect tenant for your property, we'll start preparing the tenancy agreement. To avoid any unwelcome surprises when it comes to signing the contract, here's a list of what you can expect to pay:

Long letting and management (We manage all properties) – 11% +VAT (13.20% inc. VAT)
Short letting and management – 15% (18% inc VAT)

All fees stated are inclusive of VAT (calculated at 20%)

Other Fees and Charges

Inventory - Upon your request, we will arrange for an independent inventory clerk to prepare an inventory for the Property. The costs for an inventory will vary depending on the size of the property and its level of furnishing, ranging from £110 to £258 Inc VAT
Check-out - To agree with the tenant the check-out appointment date and time, instruct the inventory provider to attend, negotiate with landlord and tenant any disbursement of the security deposit, return deposit as agreed between the parties, and remit any disputed amount to TDS. £110-£250 Inc VAT
Gas Safety Certificate - On your instruction, we will contact a registered engineer, arrange their visit to your property, and ensure delivery of the certificate £55-£100 Inc VAT
Energy Performance Certificate - On your instruction, we will arrange for an EPC on the landlord’s behalf £50 Inc VAT

Client Money Protection Scheme - We are currently not members of client money protection scheme. Please note this is not a legal requirement and therefore we are not obliged to do so. Nonetheless we are members of MyDeposits which is a Government deposit Protection Scheme which protects all Tenant deposits

Call us now on 020 7449 0449